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Holiday Boarding

Here at Exeter Exotics, we have boarding facilities available to take care of your exotic pets whilst your away.


Prices effective from 1st Feb 2025

Priced per enclosure, per overnight stay:

Inverts £3.50 Single Occupant/ 2+ £1.75 per extra occupant

Small Lizards (Leopard Gecko, Crested Gecko etc) £6.00 
Single Occupant/ 2+ £3.00 per extra occupant

Medium Lizards (Bearded Dragon, Chameleon etc) £7.50
Single Occupant/ 2+ £3.75 per extra occupant

Large Lizards (Bosc Monitor, Tegu etc) £15.00 Single

Occupant/ 2+ £7.50 per extra occupant

Snakes & Amphibians £6.00 Single Occupant/ 2+ £3.00 per extra occupant

Tortoises £7.50 Single Occupant/ 2+ £3.75 per extra occupant


All prices are inclusive of food & supplements if applicable.

Please Note: Prices are subject to change without warning. Please always check for our up to date pricing.

Claw Trimming

We offer a Claw Trimming service in store for your exotic pets.

Charged at £5 per animal.
Please phone ahead first on 01392 213480 to make sure
 there is a trained member of staff available to assist you before turning up.


Shedding Issues

Now & again your reptile can run into a few issues with shedding... it is important to remove stuck shed or eye caps if you can, to prevent any complications to your reptile (a gecko with stuck shed on their toes can lose the toe if left!)...if you don't feel confident in removing this shed skin...
We offer a Shed Removal service in store.
Pricing starts from £5 per animal & increases dependant on the severity of the stuck shed.

Please phone ahead first on 01392 213480 to make sure there is a trained member of staff available to assist you before turning up.

Reptile Sexing

We offer a FREE Reptile Sexing service in store.

Dependant on the species, we can help you with the gender of your reptile.
Sometimes certain reptiles can be difficult to sex due to their age so please call ahead first 01392 213480 to discuss & check that a trained member of staff will be available to assist you.


Egg Incubation

We offer an incubation service for customers who don't want to incubate their reptile eggs.
As there are many different reasons that can lead to eggs failing to successfully incubate, we are unable to offer any guarantee with this service & therefore it is done so at the customers risk. However, we will say that we have many years of successfully breeding & incubating various different reptile species, with a high successful incubation rate.

Incubation Terms vary dependant on species, please contact us to discuss.

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